Misteri Lukisan Palsu : Museum di Tokushima dan Kochi Selidiki Karya Pemalsu Ulung

CH826106 Girl with Swan; Madchen mit Schwan, 1919 (oil on canvas) by Campendonk, Heinrich (1889-1957); 69x99 cm; Private Collection; (add.info.: Girl with Swan; Madchen mit Schwan. Heinrich Campendonk (1889-1957). Oil on canvas. Painted in 1919. 69 x 99cm.); Christie's Images.

Please note: The artwork in this photograph is in copyright. It is your responsibility to ensure this additional copyright is cleared prior to use through the appropriate national collecting society: DACS (UK), ADAGP (France), ARS (USA), SAIE (Italy), VG Bild-Kunst (Germany) or the sister society in your territory.
CH826106 Girl with Swan; Madchen mit Schwan, 1919 (oil on canvas) by Campendonk, Heinrich (1889-1957); 69x99 cm; Private Collection; (add.info.: Girl with Swan; Madchen mit Schwan. Heinrich Campendonk (1889-1957). Oil on canvas. Painted in 1919. 69 x 99cm.); Christie's Images. Please note: The artwork in this photograph is in copyright. It is your responsibility to ensure this additional copyright is cleared prior to use through the appropriate national collecting society: DACS (UK), ADAGP (France), ARS (USA), SAIE (Italy), VG Bild-Kunst (Germany) or the sister society in your territory.

Pihak museum yakin lukisan itu kemungkinan besar palsu. Pihak museum akan melakukan penyelidikan ke galeri tempat lukisan itu dibeli dan menganalisis bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam cat.

Pihak museum mengatakan akan mengumumkan hasilnya sekitar musim gugur tahun ini.

Kiai Bertutur


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