Israel Mengebom Sekolah yang Dikelola PBB di Gaza untuk Melindungi Warga Palestina

Israeli Army troops on the Israel-Gaza border are entering in and out from Gaza Strip to renew forces on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 The Israeli defense ground forces progressed slowly into Gaza city to prevent civilian casualties. On Tuesday, the IDF pushed deeper into Gaza City and launched pinpoint raids in the southern Strip as Defense Minister Ehud Barak announced that his top aide would head to Cairo to try to secure a cease-fire that could end Operation Cast Lead.
Israeli Army troops on the Israel-Gaza border are entering in and out from Gaza Strip to renew forces on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 The Israeli defense ground forces progressed slowly into Gaza city to prevent civilian casualties. On Tuesday, the IDF pushed deeper into Gaza City and launched pinpoint raids in the southern Strip as Defense Minister Ehud Barak announced that his top aide would head to Cairo to try to secure a cease-fire that could end Operation Cast Lead.

Militer Israel mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan bahwa mereka telah melakukan serangan yang tepat terhadap pusat komando dan kontrol Hamas di dalam kompleks al-Jaouni. Mereka tidak menguraikan hasilnya, tetapi mengatakan banyak langkah diambil untuk mengurangi risiko bagi warga sipil.

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